Our Vision
Our Vision Statement addresses the issues of what God wants us to be, and our God-given aspirations.
Our Vision is "To be a supportive and mature Christian community that is relevant and effective in our own families and in the wider community."
Our Values
Our Values Statements outline our guiding principles for achieving our vision. Our Values are as follows:
Scripturality: We believe that the bible is the Divinely inspired and infallible word of God and is our literal guide for life and doctrine, and we apply sound biblical principles in all that we do
Godliness: We have godly attitudes, behaviours and responses in all matters
Prayerfulness: We believe in the power of individual and corporate prayer
Excellence: We bring a spirit of excellence into all that we do, and we do all things faithfully and to the required standards
Community: We have a shared responsibility for developing our church and believe that all individuals would contribute to our success by helping each other
Inclusivity: We embrace and celebrate the fact that we are all different and are free to express our God-given personalities, and we place as much value on the spiritual and emotional well-being of our children and young people as on those of all other members
Accountability: We are accountable and take full responsibility for all that we do and say
Integrity: We act with integrity and treat each other with dignity and respect
Transparency: We promote openness and clarity of purpose.